Is Web Editor An Easy Job? – Nowadays, people are looking for jobs that can be done from home or brought along as they travel the world. One of these type of job is Web Editor, content editors and planners for a website. However, is the job difficult? What does it take for someone to be a web editor?
• Job Description
In all kinds of websites, there are particular duties that Web Editors do, such as:
- Managing content published on the website. This includes editing and scheduling the contents’ publish date. If the website doesn’t have content creators that hires professional content creator, usually the Web Editors will need to do that too.
- Sourcing videos or images to support the content. Depending on the site’s budget, the sourcing may range from searching for photos on online libraries to commissioning professional artists or photographers. These are needed to support the content the way all videos and pictures are helpful in page.
- Maintaining the site’s activity. Basically, Web Editors must keep the site ‘alive’, relevant, and informational.
If the website also has Mail Submission Service, then they will also need to act as a liaison between the web departments and clients.
• What Skills Do You Need?
With such duties, Web Editors will need these skills:
- Basic computer and keyboard skills. As the work is purely digital, Web Editors should be computer literate enough to able to write, edit, manage emails, and upload content to the web.
- Creative writing. The contents website need is mostly articles. So, Web Editor should be able to write in engaging ways.
- Source research. To make the contents relevant, they also need to be able to search for various sources.
- Communication skills. The editor should be able to communicate with others and be adept with different communication methods.
- Multitasking skills. Web editors should be able to balance content creating, editing, and scheduling.

• How Hectic Is The Job?
The answer depends on the website itself. If the website is very active, then the editors may be busy and vice versa. However, if the editor handles the Mail Submission Service as well, they will be significantly busier than those who don’t. That’s why multitasking skills are necessary for the job. Otherwise, the job mostly requires editors to sit and work with the computer.
Being a Web Editor requires certain skills, but they are not specialized. So, as long one is confident in their grammar, writing, and communication skills, they should be able to manage as a Web Editor. However, how hectic the job depends on the websites themselves. Good luck!